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Create Narrated Videos In Minutes with AI

Transform your ideas into gorgeous videos in minutes with AI, no editing skills required.

Need a 20-minute video or a 30s clip? We got you.

Most AI video makers are geared towards short-form content. Videollama allows you to break free from short form limitations.

Creating a 20-minute video is as easy as creating a 30s clip.


AI as a starting point, not a finished product.

Videollama provides the starting material, while giving you full control over the generated material and the final product.

Dead easy to regenerate video assets with the click of a button.


No video editing skills? No problem.

Say goodbye to complex editing software.

We handle the heavy lifting of video editing for you, so you can focus on your content.


Video in minutes, no editing skills required.

Generate Video Assets

Let AI generate script from a prompt or an URL. Or write your own script.

Generate images, clips, and voice-overs from content segments.

Generate Video Assets
Edit Video Segments

Add or remove video segments.

Regenerate assets for your segments as needed.

Edit Video Segments
Music & Transitions

Add music and transitions to your video.

Download video or share it to social media.

Music & Transitions

Simple, Credit-Based Pricing

How It Works

New users start with 500 credits. Purchase more credits as you need them. $5 gets you 500 credits, and you can buy any amount you want.

Credit Costs

  • Create Image6 credits (per image)
  • Create Voice-over~5 credits (per minute)
  • Video Export~10 credits (per minute)
  • 10 minutes video~270 credits

Buy Credits

Credits: 500$5.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Create Amazing Videos?

Join thousands of creators who are already using our AI video maker to bring their ideas to life.

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